
TLBU Field Study

From April 15~16, 2011 all TLBU first year graduate students participated in 2011 Field Studies in Korea which is a special annual program. On April 15, 2011 students visited Korea’s largest steel maker POSCO (the Pohang Iron and Steel Company) in Pohang City. Pohang is POSCO’s first project while the other project is a new plant in Gwangyang. After arriving at POSCO, the employees welcomed us with friendly smile. The slogan of POSCO “Resources are limited, creativity is unlimited” on the entrance building caught students’ attention. After watching a fabulous video presentation of POSCO, students got a better picture of POSCO’s history and development.

The last place to visit was the Museum of POSCO History. Students had an easy access to see many pictures and videos demonstrating more detailed information about POSCO there. After all of these, students learned not only the amazing development of POSCO but also POSCO’s outstanding environmentally friendly vision.

On the next day, students went to Gyeongju Bomun Tour Complex. There, students were amazed by a lot of beautiful cherry blossoms. Enjoying the wonderful scenery, students were deeply touched by the culture and atmosphere of Gyeongju City as well as having great fun.

I was very happy during Field Study because I could spend time together with my classmates. We spent one night in Gyeongju by having a small party in the hostel. I still remember some of my friends played "truth or dare" games and forced the losers to tell the truth about their privacies (I was glad I did not join the games). This field study was one of the best memories in my life. I will keep on my mind forever. By the way, I have uploaded 200 pictures taken from Field Study on Facebook. We were crazy about taking pictures! :D

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